Our Programmes

We offer diverse learning choices and a flexible curriculum.
You will have the opportunity to plan your learning pathways based on your interests and career aspirations!

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Choose NUS Science!

Make the Future!

We constantly design and offer new and innovative programmes to meet the demands of the future workplace.

Be Spoilt for Course Choices!

Choose from a plethora of majors, double majors, double degrees, joint degrees, concurrent degrees, minors, multidisciplinary and cross-faculty programmes.

You also have the flexibility to plan and adapt your learning pathways, based on your interests and career aspirations. NUS also offers freshmen a grade-free first year!

Take Classes Across the World!

Embark on overseas exchanges, summer programmes, internships, study trips, and even international competitions across the globe! We have collaborations with over 300 partner universities, where you will gain a truly international learning experience.

Be Sought After by Employers!

“Plug & play” for your future career roles even while you are an undergraduate! Be mentored by industry experts! Build networks for your future career! Gain competencies and confidence through our curriculum and industry engagement platforms that give you the edge in career mobility.

Optimise Your Learning!

Our professors do not just excel in teaching. Through their innovative teaching pedagogies and mentorship, you will stretch the boundaries in your intellectual and personal growth.

Advance Your Knowledge, Chart New Terrain!

Join the buzz of frontier scientific research at NUS Science’s happening research scene! You will get to actively engage our dynamic professors in ground-breaking research and intellectual discourse.

Energise Your Student Life!

Enjoy an array of vibrant activities beyond the classroom! Our student clubs and societies, student development programmes and friendly Science community will invigorate and enrich your student life.