Summer Programmes

The Faculty of Science (FoS) at National University of Singapore (NUS) collaborates with a number of overseas universities in offering summer programmes for FoS students. Summer programmes are short-term academic programmes of between four and seven weeks, typically with components of field trips and social activities. As summer programmes usually take place during the NUS vacation period, students will have the wonderful opportunity to broaden their horizons without disrupting academic schedules.

Some summer programmes are on an exchange-basis, where tuition fees are waived. For such an arrangement, students are only required to pay for their airfare, accommodation, visa (if needed) and living expenses. Other summer programmes are fee-paying, where students need to pay tuition fees to the overseas university on top of airfare, accommodation, visa (if needed) and living expenses.

On top of faculty-level summer programmes, the NUS Global Relations Office also offers University-wide summer programmes.

Tuition Fee-waiver Summer Exchange Programmes

General Application Process
  • Look out for e-mail announcements from the Dean’s Office in January/early February calling for applications.
  • For programmes which require an interview, it is compulsory to attend the interview (details of the interview slot will be sent separately).
  • Students will be informed of the faculty’s selection results via their NUS email.
  • Students who are selected for the programme will be given further instructions on how they should proceed to confirm their acceptance of offer and submit all required documentations for official application to the host university.
  • Students will also be provided with further instructions on financial aid application as well as course mapping submission and the mapping approval process.
  • Check your emails regularly for updates on your application status from the host university. Further information about accommodation, course enrolment, visa application etc. will be followed up later by the host university.
  • Request for credit transfer upon returning to NUS after completion of the summer programme by having the course mapping approvals and submitting the official transcript obtained from the host university.
    Note: For request for credit transfer (through the Dean’s Office) course mappings have to be approved by the respective faculty/department in NUS and the official transcript obtained from the host university has to indicate passing letter grades/marks for the courses taken at the host university according to the host university’s grading system.
NUS Tuition Fees and Units

With effect from AY2018/2019, students may transfer up to a maximum of 10 units for each summer programme (takes place between May and July) and up to a maximum of 5 units for each winter programme (takes place in December). Please note that when you submit a request for Credits Transfer via NUS Education Records System (EduRec), you must ensure that the correct number of units to be transferrred is accurate. For instance, if you would like to transfer 10 units for a summer school, please request for Credits Transfer for 10 units.

Students who enrol in these programmes can transfer a maximum of 12 units from up to 2 overseas summer/winter programmes during their course of undergraduate study in NUS without having to pay NUS tuition fees. Beyond that, if students still wish to transfer credits, NUS Special Term fees will apply, in addition to Summer/Winter Programme fees, if any, paid to the host university.

For more information on credit transfer, students can refer to the Credit Transfer Instructions.