
Singapore National Crystal Growing Challenge

The Singapore National Crystal Growing Challenge, organised by the Department of Chemistry, is a biennial event held in the NUS. Through the mastery of the art of crystal growing, students learn about the chemistry applications in daily life and discover the elegant science behind this process. Students from secondary schools, international schools, junior colleges, ITE colleges and polytechnics in Singapore are invited to participate. 

Chemistry • Communication Challenge

Chemistry • Communication Challenge is a biennial event organised by the Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore. It is held alternately with the Singapore National Crystal Growing Challenge. Since its inception in the 1970s, the event has been engaging secondary school students in exploring new ideas and up-to-date topics in chemistry. Besides deepening the understanding of how chemistry affects our daily life, the event provides a platform for the students to demonstrate their public-speaking skills. 

Please click here for more details of the competitions.


Statistics Poster Competition

The Singapore Statistics Poster Competition (SSPC), organised by the Department of Statistics and Data Science, is an annual competition for secondary 3 and 4 as well as junior college students, and leading to an award ceremony. The SSPC is held in conjunction with the Singapore Science Festival in partnership with Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) and the Science Centre Singapore. It aims to encourage students to explore creative displays of data through graphs or other diagrams, develop their statistical reasoning as well as enhance their interest in the discipline. Please click here for more details.