Science Career and Internships Fair
Get Ready
Get noticed by the employers even before the science fair date with the Resume Book campaign. You may even be invited to a job/internship interview on the day of the science fair!
CFG’s THREE Steps to – Impress Employers with Your Customised Resume
Step 1: Read CFG Resources on Resume Writing
Step 2: Upload your resume to VMock (a virtual AI-powered tool) to receive personalized feedback
Step 3: Meet your FoS Career Advisors to add the finishing touch to your resume
Prepare your customised resume and submit via the Resume Deposit MS team (with the join code: bpys1b4) by 17 Jan.
You can submit your resumes to a maximum of 10 companies.
Candidates invited to fair-date interviews will be informed on or around 30 Jan.
10 & 30 January
11, 15 & 24 January
1 February
Fair Date
Attend the fair to stand a chance of winning Grab e-Vouchers! (A total of 500SGD Grab vouchers to be given out.)

Register Today to Confirm Your Attendance at the Science Fair
Join the Science Fair Telegram Channel to Receive Updates

January – February is traditionally the peak job applications season for the graduating cohort of students. The science fair is to complement the NUS Career Fest, by bringing to science campus employers that offer science-specific full-time employment (as well as internships for years 1-3 students) opportunities. Some of the 20+ employers we bring to the science fair will NOT attend the NUS Career Fest. Even for the employers who are coming to both the science fair after the NUS Career Fest, you will likely get more air-time with the employers as the science fair is open only to the Faculty of Science students.
Employers post full-time and internship opportunities on the TalentConnect portal. So make sure you grab those JDs in your preparatory work for the science fair.
This is a one-stop mechanism to enable you to get noticed by the science fair exhibitors even before the science fair. Submit your resume to a maximum of 10 employers (you may choose to submit the same resume, or upload different versions of you resume tailored/customized to the specific employers) by 17 Jan via the Resume Deposit MS Team (invite code is bpys1b4). And you will be notified by the weekend before the science fair whether you are shortlisted for an interview on the science fair day of 2 Feb.
Of course, nothing beats an in-person chat with the representatives from the employer to build that awareness, and for you to get your burning questions about the employer addressed. One more reason to attend the physical fair is that more than 500SGD worth of prizes are up for “grabs” (hint hint).
Worry not. Get your digital copy of your resume(s) ready on the fair day and submit directly electronically to the employers at the science fair, when you see a role that you would love to apply.
CFG career advisors have curated a vast collection of career fair preparatory workshops/events to get you ready to present you most competent self on the science fair day. Refer to the “Get Ready” section for the comprehensive list of preparatory events.
First impressions count! The prescribed dress code is business casual. Students in singlets, PT shorts, and slippers will be refused entry.
We highly encourage you to register for the fair so we can send you updates. Importantly and extremely conveniently, you should also join the science fair Telegram channel to get push notifications on the latest updates in the lead up to and on the day of the science fair!
The NUS Science Career and Internships Fair 2023 is jointly brought to you by the NUS Faculty of Science and the Centre for Future-ready Graduates.