Course Fees

Tuition Fees

To view the tuition fees per annum, please refer here.

The fees indicated are subject to change at any time.

For Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Resident students, the fee amounts quoted above are subsidised by the Singapore government (through the Ministry of Education, MOE) and are exclusive of prevailing GST. The applicable GST is subsidised by the MOE for these students. With effect from AY2016/2017 intake, the prevailing GST (currently 7%) on the fees payable will be borne by International Students. The fee amounts quoted are inclusive of the prevailing GST.


Miscellaneous Student Fees (MSF)

All students, whether registered on a full-time or part-time basis, are charged the miscellaneous student fees (MSF). For more details on the MSF, please refer here.


Tuition Fee Subsidy

Students who have previously enjoyed government subsidy or sponsorship by a Singapore government agency (such as scholarships offered by the Ministries, Public Service Commission and Statutory Boards) in a graduate programme should refer to the Eligibility Guidelines for MOE Subsidy. Students who are not in receipt of MOE Subsidy will have to pay the non-subsidised fee amounts as quoted here (which are inclusive of the prevailing GST).

Students who are not eligible for MOE subsidy are also ineligible for some scholarships. For more details, please refer here.

All students affected as above are to refer to their individual student bills for the amount of fees payable.


Service Obligation

In some MOE-subsidised programmes, the University may deem it feasible, based on industry demand, to implement a Service Obligation for International Students. Students who are eligible and have signed the Service Obligation Agreement will pay reduced tuition fees. Please refer to the Service Obligation Scheme for more details. The determination of this feasibility is at the sole discretion of the University.

Please refer here for more updates on Course Fees and other fees payable.


Medical Insurance Policy

All full-time graduate students, including research scholars (local and international) and international self-financing students, must subscribe to a medical insurance policy which helps to pay (in part or full) medical expenses incurred as a result of hospitalisation/ accident/ mental health treatment.

For research scholars, the premium will be deducted from the stipend on a semestral basis. Self-financing local students who have similar coverage (for hospitalisation and personal accident) purchased elsewhere and do not wish to subscribe to this scheme may opt out. However, students must submit documentary proof and sign an undertaking that they have the essential coverage.

Details on the insurance scheme are available here.