
Novel films for pain-free drug delivery

Novel films for pain-free drug delivery

March 14, 2023

National University of Singapore (NUS) pharmacists have developed a painless and effective way to administer medications through the oral route….

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Cell-derived drug delivery systems

Cell-derived drug delivery systems

November 30, 2017

30 Nov 2017. NUS pharmaceutical scientists have developed a cost-effective method to produce cell-derived nanovesicles (CDNs) for bio-inspired drug delivery…

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Breathing in treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)

Breathing in treatment for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH)

March 04, 2016

4 Mar 2016 Researchers from NUS and the A*STAR designed a friendly inhalation treatment for a rare but serious condition.Researchers…

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Multi-functional nanoparticles improved HIV drug absorption

Multi-functional nanoparticles improved HIV drug absorption

January 18, 2016

18 Jan 2016 NUS pharmaceutical scientists showed remarkable improvement in oral absorption of HIV drugs by formulating them with multi-functional…

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A tale of two lipids for drug release

A tale of two lipids for drug release

August 14, 2015

14 August 2015 NUS scientists investigated the solid state characteristics of ibuprofen-loaded spray-congealed solid lipid microparticles (SLMs) and impact of…

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Protein dynamics determinant for ALS

Protein dynamics determinant for ALS

April 13, 2015

13 Apr 2015 NUS scientists deciphered that protein dynamics are a central determinant for whether a small molecule might act…

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The role of FAT-10 in tumor progression

The role of FAT-10 in tumor progression

February 24, 2015

 24 Feb 2015 Scientists in NUS collaboratively deciphered the molecular mechanism of FAT10-MAD2 interaction and demonstrated that its disruption inhibits…

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An ALS-causing protein with two faces

An ALS-causing protein with two faces

February 12, 2015

12 Feb 2015 Scientists discovered that a proteininvolved in neurodegeneration reveals two faced amino-ends.TDP-43, like all proteins involved in neurodegeneration,…

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Engineered nanotubes for chemotherapeutics

Engineered nanotubes for chemotherapeutics

February 07, 2015

7 Feb 2015 Scientists fabricated nanotubes for targeted delivery of chemotherapeutics resulting in remarkable anti-cancer activity. Mitochondria are part of…

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