
A manifold fitting approach for single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis

A manifold fitting approach for single-cell RNA sequencing data analysis

September 06, 2024

Researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS) have developed a technique that accurately characterises single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data…

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Deep learning for real-time molecular imaging

Deep learning for real-time molecular imaging

February 08, 2024

National University of Singapore (NUS) researchers have demonstrated that deep learning allows them to observe the dynamics of single molecules…

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A manifold fitting approach for high-dimensional data reduction beyond Euclidean space

A manifold fitting approach for high-dimensional data reduction beyond Euclidean space

January 29, 2024

National University of Singapore (NUS) statisticians have introduced a new technique that accurately describes high-dimensional data using lower-dimensional smooth structures….

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Adaptive two-sample test for high-dimensional data

Adaptive two-sample test for high-dimensional data

September 03, 2020

NUS statisticians have developed a simple and adaptive test for comparing two groups of high-dimensional data. Testing the equality of…

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Positive connection between nature experiences and happiness

Positive connection between nature experiences and happiness

March 10, 2020

NUS researchers have discovered a positive connection between nature experiences and our fond memories which may contribute towards life satisfaction….

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Enhanced prediction for asset returns

Enhanced prediction for asset returns

September 25, 2019

NUS data scientists have developed an improved version of the Fama–French three factor model to provide better estimations of the…

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Sentiment analysis for portfolio management

Sentiment analysis for portfolio management

April 01, 2019

NUS data scientists have developed a deep learning-based text data analytics method to extract sentiment information from analyst reports for…

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Unlocking the power of web text data

Unlocking the power of web text data

December 06, 2017

6 Dec 2017. NUS statisticians have developed the Regularised Text Logistic (RTL) regression model to extract informative word features from digital…

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Statistical hypothesis testing for high-dimensional data

Statistical hypothesis testing for high-dimensional data

October 02, 2017

2 Oct 2017. NUS statisticians have developed an efficient method for comparing multi-group high-dimensional data. MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance) is…

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A more efficient method for quantifying uncertainty

A more efficient method for quantifying uncertainty

September 26, 2017

26 Sep 2017. NUS statistician has proposed a new Monte Carlo method that is computationally more effective for quantifying uncertainty. Uncertainty…

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A practical optimisation algorithm for big data applications

A practical optimisation algorithm for big data applications

September 21, 2017

21 Sep 2017. NUS mathematicians have proposed improvements to a well-known optimisation algorithm to significantly boost its computational efficiency. Numerous…

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Paying for “extras” in freemium products and services

Paying for “extras” in freemium products and services

August 14, 2017

14 Aug 2017. NUS statisticians have developed a better methodology to study user behaviour for freemium products and services. Freemium…

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