
Single-molecule experiments reveal force capability of artificial molecular motors

Single-molecule experiments reveal force capability of artificial molecular motors

April 13, 2022

NUS physicists have shown that a single man-made molecular motor can exhibit a force similar to naturally occurring ones which…

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Motion control at the nanoscale

Motion control at the nanoscale

March 18, 2019

NUS physicists have designed a bipedal nanowalker that can change its walking manner and direction by adjusting the length of…

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Energy efficient nanowalker

Energy efficient nanowalker

July 07, 2016

7 Jul 2016. NUS biophysicists have invented an artificial enzymatic nanowalker with record fuel efficiency by mimicking biological counterparts. Replicating…

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Bioinspired nanomotors to power future nanotechnology

Bioinspired nanomotors to power future nanotechnology

April 14, 2016

14 Apr 2016 NUS biophysicists have developed a new generation of nanomotors, which potentially serve as ‘engines’ to power future…

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Sensing mechanical forces by cells

Sensing mechanical forces by cells

August 05, 2014

05 Aug 2014. NUS scientists have discovered how mechanical forces influence cell behavior. How cells sense the mechanical properties of…

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