Green jobs of tomorrow

August 21, 2024

How can Singaporeans stay resilient in times of uncertainty and economic volatility? The answer: through purposeful upskilling for an ever-evolving job landscape.

Green jobs have never been more important, with the global focus on addressing climate change, increased waste pollution and ecosystems’ degradation. As a result of new regulatory requirements and green technologies, as well as greater business focus on sustainable practices and governance, the skills composition of existing jobs is likewise evolving to support new and emerging jobs in the green economy.

Meet Pamela NG, who shares how her MSc in Biodiversity Conservation and Nature-based Climate Solutions adds value to her job as a Sustainability Analyst at Schneider Electric. Her scope of work includes driving decarbonisation solutions, performing environmental risk analysis and developing sustainability-related business opportunities in the region.      

How does your profession contribute to society?

There is much to do and contribute to the evolving future of businesses in sustainability. Sustainability consulting and the provision of end-to-end solutions play a critical role in addressing pressing climate challenges faced by organisations. These include environmental issues such as decarbonisation and improving energy efficiency.

How does your course add value to your job?

My postgraduate degree played a pivotal role in bridging knowledge across diverse disciplines, emphasising the significance of sustainability in every industry and workplace. The programme also highlighted the interconnectedness of sustainability and its impacts across humanity, environment, nature and business. I had many opportunities to work on projects that required creative problem-solving through diverse learning approaches which tapped on multiple disciplines. These included quantitative analysis, development of governance strategies and integration of design thinking in our solutions (e.g. theory of change).      

What are some memorable milestones in your career?

I was grateful to be published earlier this January, in an anthology of Southeast Asian eco-writing – Here Was Once the Sea, with selected prose of Clouded Eyes in Paradise. The prose focused on untangling and unravelling the misconstrued fears and narratives of the serpentine, removing existing assumptions and exercising compassion towards the environment and her creatures.

What’s next?

As a curious seeker of collaboration and solutions, I will continue to drive work with socioecological impact – at work and through out-of-work projects – and continuously find novel ways to communicate the value of biodiversity and sustainability in all that I do.

Outside of her professional pursuits, Pamela dedicates her time to advocating and raising awareness on socio-environmental issues related to climate change, biodiversity conservation and ecological coexistence. She contributes to this mission by leading guided nature tours, volunteering at ACRES Wildlife Rescue and actively working to dispel environmental misconceptions through educational initiatives that promote deeper understanding and appreciation of our natural world.