Unravelling the DNA of disease

July 12, 2023
At Christchurch, New Zealand

At Christchurch, New Zealand

VERMEULEN Xander Ian N chanced on an image of Singapore’s skyline as a child in Frankfurt and decided to seize the opportunity to pursue his studies here.

Xander is fascinated by the link between precision medicine and genetics and believes that genes offer clues to health. By scrutinising the human blueprint, he hopes to be able to address diseases in very precise ways by customising treatments and care for patients.    

In front of Tower Building on graduation day

In front of Tower Building on graduation day

The Joint Degree Programme (JDP) in Life Sciences offered by NUS Science and the University of Dundee (UoD) presented him “the perfect opportunity” to delve deeper into his interests through specialisations like genetic medicine.

Today, four years on, Xander is part of the inaugural graduating cohort from this unique programme, which he cites as a transformative highlight of his learning journey.

Graduation ceremony with my friends

Graduation ceremony with friends

Studying at two leading universities in the field of life sciences offered more than just the acquisition of broader skills and knowledge. The rich tapestry of experiences left a profound impact on him. Despite the anxiety of navigating unchartered territory, he gained life skills such as adaptability, forged new connections and honed the ability to collaborate effectively with diverse groups in different academic settings.

He says, “I am determined to apply the invaluable lessons learned throughout my undergraduate journey and integrate them into every facet of my life.”

Dundee Graduation with friends

Dundee graduation with friends

To freshmen starting their journeys, Xander says, “Embrace every opportunity and challenge that comes your way. Cherish the learning journey, as it will shape not only your knowledge but also your character.”

At Portobello beach in Edinburgh

At Portobello beach in Edinburgh

Looking ahead, Xander plans to pursue a master’s degree in precision medicine, to contribute meaningfully to the rapidly evolving fields of genetic medicine and personalised healthcare.