Singapore 100 Women in Tech 2021
October 26, 2021Heartiest congratulations to all our Science nominees who were cited to be a part of the Singapore 100 Women in Tech 2021 (SG100WIT) List. Out of some 600 nominations, six of our alumni and a current faculty member were nominated.
The nominees were recognised for their technological expertise, leadership and vision, and community advocacy. They also made impactful and influential contributions to the technology industry and inspired others around them.
Asst Prof Yvonne GAO from the Department of Physics / Centre for Quantum Technologies, said, “I am truly honoured to be recognised by the SG100 Women in Tech this year, alongside a diverse group of amazing women. My research in quantum physics has given me an exciting avenue to explore the unknown and experiment with new technologies. And most importantly, I always have great fun tinkering with the devices we build in the laboratory.”
Dr Geraldine WONG, Chief Data Officer, Grab-Singtel Digital Bank (Major in Statistics, Minor in Mathematics, 2004), said, “I am incredibly encouraged and heartened by this nomination as this is also an affirmation of the potential for me to contribute and dedicate more in growing talent and grooming tech leaders of the future. I look forward to advancing financial inclusion and enriching the lives of consumers, as my team and I strive to revolutionise digital banking across Singapore and the region.”
Dr ZHAO Jingyuan, Vice President (Insights and Data), APAC Capgemini (PhD in Statistics and Applied Probability, 2008), shared, “I am honoured to be included in this list. Technology energises me and makes me stronger, and I believe that all women in technology experience the power and beauty of technology every day. The respect and trust of our countries, organisations and colleagues encourage us to be bolder and enjoy more fun in the tech sector. I look forward to hearing more inspiring stories from our women and young girls in this line.”
The SG100WIT was launched in 2019 by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) to highlight the rich diversity of roles and spotlight the role models in Singapore’s infocommunications sector. It aims to inspire girls and women to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
Our nominees are:

Asst Prof Yvonne GAO, Department of Physics faculty member and Principal Investigator, Centre of Quantum Technologies, National University of Singapore

Grace HO, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1991)
President, SWAT Mobility

Natasha KWAN, Chemistry (1985) General Manager, Healthcare, IBM Singapore

LEE Wan Sie, Computational Science and Physics (1995) Director, Trusted AI and Data, Infocomm Media Development Authority

Chloe LI, Physics (2014) and Masters in Statistics (2016)
APAC Data Science Lead, Johnson Controls

Dr Geraldine WONG, Statistics with Minor in Mathematics (2004)
Chief Data Officer, Grab-Singtel Digital Bank

Dr ZHAO Jingyuan, PhD in Statistics and Applied Probability (2008)
Vice President of Insights and Data, APAC Capgemini
Read more about the SG100WIT nominees here.
Photo credit: SG100WIT