Kent Ridge Alumni Family Day: Reimagine

September 03, 2021

Attendees included Mr Chiam Yeng Heeng, Vice President (External), 42nd NUSSU Executive Committee (top, left); Dr Intan Azura Mokhtar, Member, NUS Alumni Advisory Board (top, middle); Professor Tan Eng Chye, NUS President (top, right); and Mr Bernard Toh, Head of Department, NUS Alumni Relations.

Moving online in response to the global pandemic that has continued for more than a year, Kent Ridge Alumni Family Day 2021 invited alumni to reconnect with their alma mater online – to REIMAGINE a kaleidoscope of activities curated by the University’s talented alumni, staff and students.

With six riveting tracks – Science, Work, Technology, Home, Wellness and NUS itself, participants at the 14 Aug event were invited to join a variety of activities and surprises at every turn. Anchoring the day’s activities, NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye (Science ’85) was joined by Dr Intan Azura Mokhtar (Science ’98) and Mr Chiam Yeng Heeng (Business Year 4) to discuss how NUS stays prepared for future challenges. Prof Tan shared about NUS’ newly-introduced way of teaching, learning and thinking that emphasises interdisciplinary interface and interplay, before taking questions from the audience about the genesis and impact of these new initiatives.

Meanwhile, the other tracks of the day offered a broad range of other fun programmes, from diving into the world of Science during Colourful Chemistry, Surprising Numbers and more, with innovative experiments, demonstrations and investigations. Participants in the BIZAlum Innovation in Business Forum: Game changers with Creative and Innovative ideas and the Career Human Library got tips to jumpstart careers and peek into other professions at Work.


Associate Professor Stella Tan (Science ’98), Associate Provost (Student Conduct) and NUS Science Assistant Dean (Undergraduate Studies & Student Life), shared intriguing insights on what crime scene investigators do.

The Technology track offered several valuable insights into How Data is Reshaping the Way We Work and participants were dazzled by NUS FinTechSG projects in Everyday Technologies, while those in the Wellness track were treated to important health-related discussions about What is Keto and What is the Science Behind a Keto Diet, Sarcopenia – Ageing and Muscle Loss as well as a special #IamRemarkable session dedicated to empowering women and under-represented groups.

Alumni also explored ways to nurture a love for learning, learnt how to make mooncakes, grow their own food, understand work safely at Home, and were treated to a variegated Arts programming that was live streamed – including NUSSU Rag & Flag 2021, and Music by the NUS Jazz Band, NUS Piano Ensemble Alumni and NUS Piano Ensemble. There were also Dance performances by NUS Dance Ensemble, NUS Dance Synergy, NUS Dance Blast!, NUS Indian Dance, NUS Ilsa Tari, NUS Chinese Dance and NUS Naach.


A special recorded performance for the Kent Ridge Alumni Family Day by Ms Churen Li, Artist Fellow at the Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music at NUS and part-time academic faculty at Yale-NUS College.

This year, NUS Alumni Relations also brought back the much-anticipated movie screening, enabling alumni and their loved ones to enjoy the animated film, Soul, from the comfort of their homes.

By NUS Alumni Relations

Source: NUS News