Emeritus Professorship 2021
July 01, 2021
Prof Lee Hian Kee – Department of Chemistry
The Faculty of Science congratulates Professor LEE Hian Kee and Professor Jagadese J VITTAL from NUS’ Department of Chemistry, who were awarded the Emeritus Professorship in July 2021.
The prestigious Emeritus Professorship award is conferred on full professors on retirement in recognition of their sustained contributions in teaching, research and / or service to NUS and its community.
Prof Lee Hian Kee
Prof Lee is one of the world’s foremost authorities on sample preparation technology. He is particularly renowned for his research on miniaturised solvent-based extraction, now generally referred to as liquid-phase microextraction. The term “liquid-phase microextraction” was first coined and used by him and is now part of the analytical chemistry lexicon – it refers to a whole suite of extraction approaches in which only microliter volumes of solvents are applied.
In recognition of Prof Lee’s contributions to the sample preparation field, The Analytical Scientist twice named him as one of the world’s Top 100 Most Influential People in the Analytical Sciences (2013, 2015). In a Stanford University study published in PLOS Biology, Prof Lee was placed in the top 0.2% of authors in analytical chemistry. The same paper also placed him in the top 0.2% in environmental science.
Prof Lee has served as a technical advisor for government agencies such as the Public Utilities Board (PUB) and the National Environment Agency, amongst others. His contributions to PUB were especially noteworthy as they focused on the operations, production and quality of reclaimed water (NEWater) from the recycling of wastewater, as Singapore embarked on a critical programme to achieve water self-sufficiency. He served on the PUB panel for 16 years.
As service to the international scientific community, Prof Lee was on the advisory or scientific committees of major international conference series. He continues to review manuscripts for major international journals, and research proposals for international grant-awarding bodies. He also continues to serve as editor and editorial advisory board member of top international analytical chemistry journals.
Prof Lee was appointed to various administrative roles at NUS. He served as Deputy Head and Head of the Department of Chemistry, Chairman of the Faculty of Science Promotion and Tenure Committee, member of the University Promotion and Tenure Committee, and Executive Committee member of the NUS Environmental Research Institute. He was Deputy Chairman of the university’s expert panels for chemical and physical sciences, and engineering on Tier 2 grant proposals.
For his accomplishments in science, Prof Lee was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Singapore National Academy of Science and the Academy of Sciences Malaysia. He received the NUS Outstanding Researcher Award (2006) and the NUS Faculty of Science Outstanding Scientist Award (2009). He was also conferred the Federation of Asian Chemical Societies Foundation Lectureship Award for his research (2009). The Singapore National Institute of Chemistry (SNIC) has also honoured him by bestowing on him the HYFLUX-SNIC Award in Environmental Chemistry (2013).
Dean of Science Prof SUN Yeneng said, “Hian Kee is renowned internationally for his pioneering work in, and sustained contributions to miniaturised sample preparation technology. His work has had a significant impact in the field of analytical chemistry. He has given exceptional service to NUS and has trained many graduate students and postdoctoral fellows who have gone on to become successful researchers and industry professionals. My heartiest congratulations to Hian Kee!”
Prof Lee said, “I believe I worked hard during my time at NUS to create impact in whatever I did. However, this honour is due also to my family, local and international colleagues and students – I cannot thank them enough.”
In the future, Prof Lee plans to continue collaborating with international colleagues on ongoing projects. He said, “One never stops learning.”

Prof JJ Vittal – Department of Chemistry
Prof JJ Vittal
Prof JJ Vittal is a leader in solid state chemistry and has made outstanding contributions to the field of crystal engineering, coordination polymers and MOF (metal-organic framework) materials. His work provides insights into how molecules ‘communicate’ with one another using weak interactions during solid state reactions and structural transformations. One of the highlights of his research is the conversion of UV light energy into mechanical energy (photosalient materials). He also contributed significantly to the understanding of the dynamic behaviours of mechanically responsive crystalline materials, and designed several materials to exhibit non-linear optical properties as well as multi-photon upconversion.
His work is internationally recognised through highly cited publications, attesting to his authority and leadership in this field. He also contributed to numerous opening, plenary, keynote and invited talks at national and international conferences.
Prof Vittal is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, and Life Fellow of the Singapore National Institute of Chemistry and Indian Chemical Society. He has received numerous prestigious awards, including the Chemical Research Society of India Medal (2020), Indian Chemical Society G.V. Bakore Memorial Award (2019), Outstanding Chemist Award by the Department of Chemistry (2014), NUS Outstanding Researcher Award (2011), Outstanding Scientist Award by the Faculty of Science (2007), and Bronze Medal of the Indian Association of Solid State Chemists and Allied Scientists (2001).
He also established two awards in Singapore – the SNIC-AsCA2019 Singapore Award for Solid State Chemistry & Materials and the SNIC-AsCA (2019) Distinguished Women Chemist Award, which will be presented at the Singapore National Chemistry Meeting annually from 2021.
Prof Vittal founded the Singapore National Crystal Growing Challenge in 1997, which continues to be a popular outreach programme in NUS. Apart from promoting science via crystal growing, he also shares his expertise and experience to help start similar competitions in Asia. He has been an International Panel Member of the IUCr (International Union of Crystallography) Crystal Growing Competition since 2014.
Dean of Science Prof SUN Yeneng said, “JJ has made important contributions in the field of crystal engineering, and his work is widely recognised by his peers for advancing the science of chemistry and impacting the chemical industry. Students have also benefitted immensely under his tutelage. I would like to extend my heartfelt wishes to JJ.”
Prof Vittal said, “I am honoured and humbled to receive the Emeritus Professorship. This will enable me to continue contributing professionally to the chemical communities in Singapore and abroad by sharing my experience and knowledge in crystallography and solid state science.”